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Note to Maryland Applicants: Under Maryland law, an employer may not require or demand, as a condition of employment, prospective employment, or continued employment, that an individual submit to or take a lie detector test or similar test. An employer who violates this law is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine not exceeding $100. Note to Massachusetts Applicants: I understand that it is unlawful in Massachusetts to require or administer a lie detector test as a condition of employment or continued employment. An employer who violates this law shall be subject to criminal penalties and civil liability. Note to New Jersey Applicants: Rite Aid performs pre-employment background checks on every applicant and utilizes the following databases to continuously monitor all associates. Federal exclusions database -; N.J. Treasurer’s exclusions database -; N.J. Division of Consumer Affairs licensure databases –; N.J. Department of Health and Senior Services licensure database –; Certified nurse aide and personal care assistant registry (if applicable) – New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller Medicaid Fraud Division Ineligible Provider Report – Note to Rhode Island Applicants: Rite Aid is subject to Chapters 29-38 of Title 28 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, and is therefore covered by the state’s workers’ compensation law.
I certify that the above statements are true and complete. I understand that making a false statement or omitting information in this Application or in any resume or other materials submitted in connection with this application will be grounds for disqualification from employment or immediate discharge upon discovery thereof. I further understand that unless specifically altered by a written employment contract, executed by an officer of the Company, my employment will be terminable at will, either by myself or Rite Aid, at any time, with or without cause and with or without prior notice. I authorize Rite Aid to verify all education, training and professional licensure/certifications claimed by me and to secure from my former employers and references information concerning my professional accomplishments, salary, work characteristics, ability and reason for leaving. Every conditional offer of employment with Rite Aid is subject to a criminal background check to determine his or her suitability for the position. Applicants will be required to sign an authorization to perform a criminal background check only if the applicant receives a conditional offer of employment and I understand that I will be required to a drug test in accordance with Rite Aid policy. In compliance with the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act, I certify that, if hired, I will provide, within three (3) business days from the date my employment begins, proof on my identity and eligibility for employment in the United States.